Sunday, March 15, 2009

When is enough, enough?

I have always felt God wanted me to reach out and help others in a time of need. I have always been willing to do so. It isn't a perfect world, we all struggle at times. I have really been struggling with how much do I give? God gave to me until it hurt. He still gives to me and I know I hurt Him everyday.

I am hurting, emotionally. I have nothing left to give. My giving is costing me my serenity. I really don't know how I am making it these days. God has given me a wonderful Christian husband who has been very strong for me these past few weeks. I know he is hurting also.
I have prayed about this, and I feel that God has freed me from the struggle that I have to keep on giving. I can't give what I don't have, and I have nothing left to give.

I feel God has shown me that I tried. I tried to be His "tool", to help. The door was closed not by my choice, but hers. I gave it my best. I am powerless over people, places and things. My serenity now must come first, not her physical needs or wants. It makes me sad, that she is such a selfish person and really does not care about who she hurts.

I am thankful that God has put people in my life that know when to reach out and give back to us. That know sometimes we have nothing left to give. We had a great Saturday evening with Liz, Scott and the boys. The food, the jokes, the laughter, the heart felt conservation, the dog's rhymetic bounce of the ball on the steps, hugs and kisses from the boys, the waving goodbyes at the window...they all are gifts from God. Comfort that was needed, wanted and accepted as a gift from God and a loving caring family.

I am so grateful....