Thursday, September 25, 2008

puppy love

My puppy has been seriously ill this week. The vet's orders are to keep her still and calm. How do you calm the "energizer bunny"? God has given her a spirit of joy, love and enthusiasm. Only God will be able to edify her zestfulness during this time of healing.

When I see the spirit of joy, unconditional love and enthusiasm that she has, it touches my heart. How I long to have these attributes shine in my life. I pray each day that someone will see the Lord through me.

Continuous joy today is what I pray for. I frequently find myself praying for God to restore the joy of my salvation. As a counselor and a caregiver, I am thankful that God allows me to see when this is a need and I don't have much left to give. I am grateful for the strength that God provides me minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. He restores what is needed in His time, not mine.

I am often surprised by the "tools" He uses to meet my needs. A client who is unexpected phone call of love from Bill, an intern who is anxious to jump in and help in anyway, or a fuzzy puppy who gives the best puppy kisses in the world.

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