Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New kid on the block

Hannah: Favored by God, gracious, graceful

God blessed our family this summer with Hannah. I had the opportunity to meet Hannah this past week. Hannah is from China and has special physical needs. God has given her with a very strong and loving spirit. He has also given her a clear and sharp mind.

I can't begin to put myself in Hannah's shoes. A new country, new family, new name, new language, new foods, new religion, new traditions, and the list goes on and on. I have tried to think how I would adjust to being the new kid on the block in China. New country, new family, new name, new language, new foods, new traditions...I can't begin to imagine, and I am a fairly flexible ole' girl.

During our visit, Hannah announced one morning, "Ready to go back to China now." My heart broke, not because she doesn't love us, but because she is missing her familiar, her comfort zone. Homesickness is not just an American event.

I know God has it all under control and that He will meet all of Hannah's needs. After all, her name means favoured by God, gracious, graceful. I thank Him for that. I know He will continue to give her serenity and peace. As her aunt, it is my job to pray for her, to love her, to ask God what I need to do for her as she grows and matures. Paul tells us in Philippians that He who began a good work in us, will be faithful to perfect it. I will never know why God brought Hannah into our world. I don't need to know, that is not important, I am thankful that He did.

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