Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat, come smell my feet and give me something good to eat! I can remember this rhyme from my childhood. Wow, how things change. I guess it would be politically incorrect to use this phrase now for some reason or the other...offensive to Dr. Scholl or whom ever.

I had a wonderful Halloween. I spent the evening with "my knight in shining armor and his sidekick dragon". It was wonderful. The joy that only children can bring. Andrew and Matthew are awesome. They have supplied Bill and I with many warm fuzzy moments, laughter, hugs and kisses. It has been fun watching these babies begin on their journey to becoming men. We are honored to have been invited to be a part of that journey. I thank God for them. I thank God also that they have wonderful Christian parents who want to give their children love, create memories, and are not selfish with their time and devotion to family.
I am thankful Liz and Scott want them to grow slowly and be little boys as long as possible. I am also thankful that they try to guard what goes into their minds and try to protect them from things that encourage children to grow up too fast. I am grateful they encourage learning and activities to develop skills and imagination over a TV to babysit. They are doing an awesome job getting these fellows on the right path to manhood.

God promises us "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 I am thankful my "knight in shining armor and my little dragon" have people in their worlds who are working towards this promise. It does take a village. I can't always decide who is going to live in my village, I can't control the behaviors of others in my village. However, I can ask for the wisdom and the strength needed to help "my knight and dragon" slay any villains that cross their paths.

1 comment:

skot said...

Do I need to start watermarking my photos now? :-)

Thank you so much for the wonderful post. I only hope that we can live up to your lofty praise.