Wednesday, October 29, 2008

thank you for sharing

My friend and co-worker, Michael died last night. He was not in my world for a very long time, only about a year. He was an awesome man. God allowed me to see Him in Michael on more than one occasion. He was a blessing in my life. I think about the words of John Donne's sermon when he said, ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. Michael touched many lives, not just mine. He offered hope, life, freedom to many a person in recovery for addiction problems. He offered laughter, smiles and kind words each day. I already miss my friend. I thank God for putting Michael in my world. He always knows who we need in our world and when it is time for them to move on to another place. I know Michael is in a wonderful place, called Heaven. He is dancing with the angels, snuggled in the arms of God's love, walking streets of gold. Thank you Lord for sharing Michael with us, even if only for a short time...I don't understand your timing Lord, but I accept it.

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